Monday, March 21, 2011

Turning 19, how will it be?

As I'll be turning nineteen this year, let me share with you guys nineteen of my wishes. Cuz sharing can be fascinating! :D

  1. I would like to climb Broga Hills. Anyone?
  2. I want t get a Dean's List this semester. InsyaAllah
  3. Wanna make my parents proud of me in anything.
  4. I wish I am Batman's girlfriend. Who can be my awesome, effin tall Batman?! :D
  5. I want to re-paint my current bedroom.
  6. A big, wedding cake with Tyler from Neon Trees face on it for my birthday would be nice. Yaaammaaayyhhh!
  7. I'll be more curvy without big tummy,tights and arms by the end of this year. K this sounds more like a new year resolution, didn't it? Whatevs, lets proceed..
  8. I would like to own a BLACKBERRY. Can I? Anyone? :p
  9. I want to have a license before I turn 20. Like seriously but I'm scared :/
  10. I want to visit a shelter home. Nice
  11. A guy would ask me to marry him before I turn 25. Hahaha :D
  12. I wish to own my own car. A red MUSTANG :)
  13. I want to be able to draw face of my soul love. One day
  14. I want my 'gedik' side of myself to influence my other side of myself to love anything that is touch screen since I am no big fan of them now. Eh not love but like. Baby steps, guys :)
  15. I would to donate some of my clothes.
  16. Repair my sleep timing.
  17. Have less of sugar in my daily routines. Sugar give me rush
  18. Spend more time with my books. This one, I need time hhahaa
  19. And lastlyyyyyyyy, I want to keep be WEIRD! So can you handle me? :p

Just so you know, these wished may be changed according to my moods. >:D