- I would like to climb Broga Hills. Anyone?
- I want t get a Dean's List this semester. InsyaAllah
- Wanna make my parents proud of me in anything.
- I wish I am Batman's girlfriend. Who can be my awesome, effin tall Batman?! :D
- I want to re-paint my current bedroom.
- A big, wedding cake with Tyler from Neon Trees face on it for my birthday would be nice. Yaaammaaayyhhh!
- I'll be more curvy without big tummy,tights and arms by the end of this year. K this sounds more like a new year resolution, didn't it? Whatevs, lets proceed..
- I would like to own a BLACKBERRY. Can I? Anyone? :p
- I want to have a license before I turn 20. Like seriously but I'm scared :/
- I want to visit a shelter home. Nice
- A guy would ask me to marry him before I turn 25. Hahaha :D
- I wish to own my own car. A red MUSTANG :)
- I want to be able to draw face of my soul love. One day
- I want my 'gedik' side of myself to influence my other side of myself to love anything that is touch screen since I am no big fan of them now. Eh not love but like. Baby steps, guys :)
- I would to donate some of my clothes.
- Repair my sleep timing.
- Have less of sugar in my daily routines. Sugar give me rush
- Spend more time with my books. This one, I need time hhahaa
- And lastlyyyyyyyy, I want to keep be WEIRD! So can you handle me? :p
Just so you know, these wished may be changed according to my moods. >:D
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